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Affirmations for Self-Love and Inner Strength

This session will help you rebuild (or build) your self-love, feelings of worthiness, and your inner strength. If you need extra loving help in loving yourself fully and deeply and starting over, creating a life you absolutely love and feel confident in, this is the perfect session for you. Can be used in the morning or the evening as you fall asleep. 


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BUNDLE- The Cure for Anxiety MP3s

Stop struggling and becoming overcome by anxious thoughts. Let Mellisa help you by teaching you the exact tools you need to be calm and anxiety-free. 

This amazing program allows you to take back control of your thoughts and overcome your fears and panic attacks, learn to respond in calm ways, cure insomnia and sleep wonderfully each and every night knowing you can deal with life even during the most stressful times. 


Freedom from Anxiety,  Insomnia Cure and Freedom from Anxiety Anytime Affirmations


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Castle in the Clouds Lesson Plans

Use a wonderfully creative curriculum in your classroom, yoga studio or home education environment! This Castle-in-the-Clouds themed lesson pact teaches the emotional and mental "soft skills" needed so desperately in today's world. Your children will learn:

  • Self-Esteem
  • Visualization
  • How to deal with Emotions
  • All about Relaxation
  • How to really be Happy!
  • How to be Positive
  • What are healthy relationships
  • Why having goals and working towards them is important

And they will learn all this through games, manual and group activities, scripted guided imagery, using their imagination and circle time. This lesson pack is a fun, dynamic creative way to teach everything with the plan all laid out for you! All you have to do is read through, gather listed materials, and gather the children for an AMAZING ADVENTURE!



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Co-Creating the New Earth & Ho'oponopono Subliminal Peaceful River

This is a year of massive transformation on our Planet. In meditation, we come together to help birth our beautiful new Earth, with high vibrations of love and wonder. Heaven on Earth as we all awaken to our true inner knowing. The second track is subliminal Ho'opnopono to relax at any time with Healing Waters in the background to ease your mind or help you drift to sleep at night. 


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Connect with Someone you Loved - Meditation / Hypnosis

In this session, you will be led to connect with a loved one that you long to meet with again, either still on the earth plane or having crossed over. You will meet with them and spend precious time together, talking, hugging, just being together. This is a heart-moving session. 


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Custom Hypnosis or Meditation MP3 Session

Custom guided imagery, hypnosis or meditation session personally crafted for you by Mellisa Dormoy, CHt


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Deep Sleep & Total Body Relaxation Guided Imagery for a Good Night's Sleep Tonight

If you suffer from insomnia and need a good night's sleep tonight, you can enjoy this gentle countdown into the velvety darkness of sweet somber. Deeply relaxing and allows you to drift off into sleep peacefully and wonderfully each and every night. Quite addictive! Also included is a 5 minute full Body Scan for Mindful awareness before bed. 


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Divine Blueprint and Cell Communication MP3s

Divine Blueprint Meditation & Talk to your Cells Meditation - Perfect health lies within your original DNA blueprint. Access the Divine Source and your inner healing power and bring it forth in this beautiful guided meditation. You can learn to talk directly to and communicate with your cells. Each cell contains the Divine within. Connect with and direct them in ways of health and longevity.  


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Easy Fasting BUNDLE - Subliminals Affirmations and Meditation

4 tracks for EASY FASTING:

  • Subliminals (One hour with Ocean soundtrack)
  • Fasting Affirmations (Start the day right)
  • Easy Fasting Relaxing Meditation
  • Meditation for Water Fasting. 

Use these at any time during the day or to fall asleep at night, and stay on track with your fasting goals! This bundle gives you everything you need and is that perfect encouragement to stay committed to your goal. Think of me as your pocket cheerleader anytime you need me! 


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Feel Good! Emotional Management Meditations for ADHD & Active Kids

Help your child feel amazing and learn emotional management skills including anger management, self-esteem, and beginning meditation. 


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Healing from our Childhood - Hypnosis and Affirmations

Inner Child Healing Hypnosis Session, 

Healing from Co-Dependency Hypnosis,

Affirmations for Clearing Emotional Pain,

Affirmations to Let go of Toxic Relationships,

Affirmations to Feel Secure and Whole in New Relationships


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Inner Calm MP3 Audio

Introduce the calming effects of meditation and relaxation into your classroom or home with these specifically designed shorter
meditations perfect for beginners. 

These meditations aim to increase mental focus, reduce anxiety and academic stress, improve memory and behavior, 
reduce mental fatigue and teach self-calming and relaxation techniques. 

Recommended Ages: 6-13 


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Intermittent Fasting Success Imagery and Affirmations

Intermittent fasting is a wonderful way of life. You will quickly adapt to your new lifestyle with ease. In these tracks, you will feel encouraged and empowered to implement your new lifestyle and stay on track with guided imagery and affirmations for continued health and wellness! The first track is wonderful guided imagery for implementing and maintaining your IF lifestyle and he second track is affirmations followed by subliminals (low-level audio with relaxing music). 


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Kids Anxiety Rescue Package Worry Free Me!

This very special kids' anxiety package offers quick relief for anxious kids who experience anxiety, panic attacks, school fears and have a hard time sleeping at night. It includes the following audios:

  • Worry Free Me! Guided Meditation for Anxiety in Kids
  • Inner Calm
  • Positive Affirmations for Kids
  • Dolphin Relaxation


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Manifest your Dreams MP3 Program

Includes 3 audio hypnosis tracks - 

  • Manifest My Dreams
  • Abundance Mindset 
  • Abundance Affirmations

Imagine closing your eyes and waking up to a wonderful life of your own imagination. Spend time with me as you learn to create your own reality and what you want to achieve in this life. Develop an ABUNDANCE MINDSET and train your mind to attract all the wonderful things you truly want. Clear away old, unhealthy patterns that may be holding you back. Finally, use affirmation to cement in what you truly desire and program your mind for true abundance and SUCCESS! 


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Meet your Spirit Guide and Soul Family

This session is for beginners or anyone who wants to meet their spirit guide(s), ask questions and get to know them. We all have spiritual helpers and protectors, those whose job is to help us and guide us as we live our earthly life experiences. You will also have the opportunity to meet your Soul Family, those in the spiritual realm who you love and care for you deeply and who you feel most at home with. 


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Mindful - Daily Meditations for Inner Peace & Navigating Life's Storms

Mindful daily meditations help you become more peaceful, learn to be mindful and teach you how to navigate life's storms. You'll experience peace and serenity as you close your eyes and follow along with each guided meditation. Set to relaxing moments, you'll have wonderful moments of calm and inner connection, knowing that you can be witness to life's unfolding circumstances without becoming drained. Clear your thoughts and learn to connect with who you truly are and be at peace no matter what life throws at you.


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Mindfulness Skills for Children


Help your child understand mindfulness, build self-esteem, grow in confidence, and learn the easy-to-apply tools for emotional fulfillment, positive thinking and easy relaxation!

Set your child up for success with fun, energetic classes!


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Mp3 Positive Affirmations Bundle

This bundle includes 5 downloadable Mp3s. Use these affirmations to get into alignment with your highest desires for your life each and every day! Delivered immediately after checkout. 

This bundle includes the following affirmation tracks: 

Clearing Emotional Pain, 

Healthy, Happy Relationships, 

Clearing Sadness and Depression, 

Weight loss & Wholeness (includes subliminals), 

Feeling Good in Relationships and Choosing Wholeness


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MP3 Stress Free and Focus Package

DOWNLOADS - Stress Free and Focus Package


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MP3s Adventure Package, Creativity and Imagination

DOWNLOADS - Adventure Package, Creativity and Imagination


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MP3s Keto Imagery, Affirmations and Subliminals

Keto Diet Success - Step into the New You!

Relaxing Audio MP3s with guided visualizations, Keto Affirmations to help you truly transform inside and out and an hour of Keto Subliminals under RAIN to go to sleep by or study or work from home with. Relax and enjoy Mellisa's hypnotic voice while you listen to positive suggestions and visualization of your new lifestyle. Mellisa helps you transform your old negative beliefs into new, sustainable ways of being to encourage help and losing weight quickly and effortlessly. Affirmations can be used every morning to start your morning right, and subliminals with the rain cane be used to go to sleep by each night so you're getting constant reinforced good healthy body habits. 


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One with the Universe MP3

One with the Universe - Stress Management for Kids!


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School Calm Guided Meditations for ADHD & Busy Kids

Meditations and positive affirmations MP3s help ADHD and BUSY KIDS prepare for a successful and happy school day! This CD is also part of our Natural Solution for ADHD program.


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Self Esteem for Teens MP3

This beautiful CD uses vivid guided imagery, visualizations, positive suggestions and affirmations to help teens increase self-esteem and feelings of self-worth


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Skin Solution Guided Imagery The Healing Pool MP3

If you suffer from skin irritations and blemishes, come with me to the wonderful healing and cleansing waters... This wonderful meditative visualization has helped hundreds with skin issues. Start tonight! Simply listen right before bed and let your inner healing be activated. 


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Sleep Hypnosis for Water Fasting 2 hours

Train your mind to stick to your fast easily and effortlessly while you prepare to sleep, with this 2-hour long hypnosis for water fasting audio. Great to use to fall asleep by because after the hypnosis, there's calm, meditative music and fasting Subliminals in the background to help you drift off easily while it continues training your subconscious mind for success!


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Stress Management for Teens MP3

Teens will learn simple techniques to calm themselves and totally relax for easy stress management. 


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Teen Success MP3

This motivational CD teaches success through goal setting and positive visualization.


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The Midas Touch Book with Joe Vitale PhD & Mellisa Dormoy CHt

Mellisa Dormoy CHt is joined by Dr. Joe Vitale from the movie The Secret and a host of other experts as they reveal how to use the power of YOUR MIND to obtain your wildest dreams!


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The Natural Solution for ADHD MP3 Package

DOWNLOADS - The Natural Solution for ADHD


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The Relaxed Classroom

The Relaxed Classroom® program (professional and school license) was designed specifically for teachers, psychologists and educating professionals who wish to reduce stress, promote peacefulness and improve retention in the classroom and therapeutic setting. This program helps children increase self-esteem, improve focus and concentration, promote goal achievement and includes mindful awareness training.



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Worry-Free Me! Meditations for Anxious Kids

This album offers quick relief for anxious kids who experience anxiety, panic attacks, school fears or who have a hard time sleeping at night.  


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