One with the Universe MP3 SKU: 151443

One with the Universe - Stress Management for Kids!


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Recommended ages 5-10   The first journey called "One with the Universe" helps your child release stress and to calm herself (or himself)  instantly. It's very helpful for children who have anxieties. Your child will love this amazing journey as he/she first learns self-relaxation gliding as the wind, and then riding in a rainbow balloon that clears out negativity and restores peace and confidence. This Cd builds self-confidence while helping children imagine themselves as successful, surrounded by love and acceptance. Children will understand true winning and what that means as well as allowing your child to work with healing colors.  Finally, in the loving rainbow journey, your child sees self as various things in nature (the wind, a leaf, the clouds and more) before coming back for a nice deep sleep or a restful day.  Your child is introduced to the concept of " I am everything and everything is in me", a truly powerful and lovely Cd.

The second journey is entitled "Bubble Magic". This meditation begins with the progressive relaxation technique and balloon breath and gives children tools to deal with worries and fears. It then allows children to visualize and create positive scenes in various areas of their life: family, friends, self, school and personal skills. They are encouraged in love and given many positive affirmations throughout. A truly wonderful Cd!

Benefits: Heightens Self Awareness, Improves Self Esteem, Enhances Creativity, Teaches Connection & Oneness with All, Teaches calming & quick relaxation techniques, Stress Reduction, Teaches body and breathe awareness, Worry and Fear Release, Bubbles of Positive Visualization, family, friends and self